Getting started with your firearms setup

When to use this procedure

All firearm stores or stores that sell firearms must follow this procedure to ensure your full firearm inventory is included in AIMsi's electronic gun book file and Acquisition and Disposition (A&D) report. If you are a new AIMsi customer, you must also review and complete the other sections of the Getting Started section in the online help.

Steps to complete

  1. Enter the Federal Firearms License (FFL) number for your store, for each vendor, and for each customer, where appropriate.
  2. Set up your Firearms subcategories to instruct AIMsi to create new and future reports for the gun book file. To do so, select the Gunbook option for each Firearms subcategory on the Edit Sub Categories window. Transactions for inventory in any of these subcategories will be automatically included in your gunbook records.
  3. Set up AIMsi to display a warning for multiple handgun sales within a specified number of days. This will alert you to multiple sales for the same customer to complete additional paperwork for the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives). To do so, select the Mult. Sale Rest. option for each Handgun subcategory on the Edit Sub Categories window. Then enter the number of days for the multiple sale restriction warning in the MultipleSaleRestrictionDays system variable. The federal requirement is 5 days, but some states may have stricter regulations; check with your local ATF office for your requirements.
  4. Create a new A&D report. For customers already using AIMsi's Serial Acquisition and Disposition report, the current report remains in the AIMsi database, and all new data is added to the new A&D report. To create the new report, on the Create Acquisition/Disposition Records window, indicate that you have read the disclaimer and click Create. Once this is complete, any time you enter gunbook-eligible firearms inventory into AIMsi your bound book records are automatically updated. They are also updated any time you sell or transfer inventory. It is important that your customer and vendor details are accurate, including FFL# and other details that are relevant for firearm sales as these are automatically included as part of the A&D record. If they are not, you can correct the record at any time (see #6, below) and update the vendor or customer record for future transactions.
  5. Optionally, set up AIMsi to display a pop-up window where you can view and, if necessary, edit transaction details for various acquisitions and dispositions. For example, you may want to record the NICS Transaction number or the 4473 number. The record will be updated exactly as the information displays on the Gunbook Entry pop-up window. The A&D record updates regardless of how you set up AIMsi to display this pop-up. Set up the pop-up options on the Setup Acquisition - Disposition System window.
  6. Optionally, manage and enter acquisition and disposition records from the Edit Acquisition/Disposition Entries window. If your store performs service and maintenance on firearms, use this window to track those transactions in the gunbook records without affecting your inventory.
  7. Run your A&D report from the Inventory tab in the Report Catalog. Once you've completed steps 1-4, and optionally 5-6, all new records will be added to the Serial Acquisition and Disposition report. For customers who have used the A&D report prior to AIMsi version 10, you may continue to access the Serial Acquisition and Disposition (Old) report but it will not be updated.